In overcoming their economic crisis by the Latin American countries in the 1980s, the performance of Chile, Mexico, Venezuela and Columbia is outstanding particularly, and they have enjoyed a fame of so called'Four small dragons'. Their common experiences are as follows: (1) Transforming developing stratigies in time, promoting its outside-oriented economies, and participating in international competition actively; (2) Readjusting foreign trade policies. opening their internal markets, devoting major efforts to promoting export, and taking foreign trade as dynamics of economic growth; (3) Changing the structure of single-product, diversifing the exportedproduts; (4) Relaxing the restrictions to foreign funds, improving the investment environment, so as to attract economic development funds and new, high technology; (5) Striving to carry out privatization, reducing the intervention of government; (6) Keeping political stability as the basic guarantee of economic development. The enlightment acquired from the economic development of the above four countries is: Seizing opportunity, deepening reform, connecting the economic development with the solution of social problems, and maintaining a stable social environment.