苏联解体、美国成为世界上唯一超级大国后,古巴的国际处境异常艰难。由于古巴坚持走自己选择的道路,积极进行了一系列政策调整,大力推进多元化外交,因而顶住了美国的压力,基本上稳住了局势但仍面临十分严峻的挑战。一古巴为求生存、渡难关,采取了一系列应急措施和政策调整,以抵制美国的经济封锁。 (一)适时调整了经济政策,以保证食品和能源两大必需品的最低需求。 1、全民动员,大抓食品生产。政府号召城镇居民及机关、厂矿企业工作人员轮流“上山下乡”搞种植。他们一般在农村劳动2—3周,主要种植土豆、白薯和各类蔬菜。
1992 proved to be the most difficult year for Cuba after the US became the sole superpower in the world; the Cuban government was perplexed by the shortage of energy and basic daily necessities. However, Cuba is still sticking to its own way. Politically, the direct and ballot parliamentary election has been held for the first lime in order to broaden the scope of democracy and to offset the external pressures; Economically. aiming at solving energy problems, the economic policies have been adjusted to increase income and decrease expenditure. On the other hand, close attention has been paid to the food production to cope with the contradictions between supply and demand. With the efforts to attract foreign investments, the government is developing the tourism and increasing the export of traditional products. Diplomatically, while adhering to the principles of the national independence and sovereignty, the Cuban government has broken the US blockade. Militarily, the whole nation has been mobilized to prepare for any invation.