
东盟因应下世纪经济挑战之道 被引量:2

Asean: Approaches Responding to Economic Challenges in the Next Century
摘要 继日本和亚洲“四小龙”创下经济快速成长奇迹之后,被誉为当今世界最具活力的东盟地区意欲在本世纪交替之际再显身手。增强“世纪意识”、紧迫感和自信心,大力加强自身综合国力,积极发展对外经济合作,乃东盟因应当代世界经济挑战之道。 (一)增强“世纪意识”,把握历史的机遇。冷战后,国际政治经济格局的剧变促使东盟国家加紧调整其战略目标,而“世纪意识”是方方面面达成共识的基础。马来西亚国防部长纳吉布·拉扎克指出。 Firmly believing that the third tide following Japan and Asia's 'four small' will be certain to appear in East Asian economy, ASEAN countries are trying to make full use of this opportunity to establish their solid position in the economy of East Asia and the Pacific rim in the turn of the centuries. For this purpose, on one hand, they will increase investments to maintain comparatively high growth rate fitting the national conditions of each country, raise productivity to speed up the process of industrialization and industrial upgrade and make more efforts to improve infrastructure, eduction, science and technology, thus enhancing their overall national power. On the other, in response to the changes in trade environment and flow of funds, they will accelerate the pace of division of labour and cooperations within the Asean region in order to expand the overall scale of their internal market and economy and raise their international position, they will also promote the regional cooperations in East Asia, energetically publicizing their initiative of setting up EAEC, while supporting APEC, build closer relations with the trade partners and enlarge the spheres of economic and trade cooperation.
作者 陶坚
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 1993年第8期5-7,45-46,共5页
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