
美国国家安全战略的重大调整 被引量:1

US:Remodeling Its National Security Strategy
摘要 80年代末、90年代初国际安全环境的急剧变化对美国的战略考虑产生了重大影响。三年来,布什政府对其国家安全战略进行了两次重大调整。1989年5月在得克萨斯的一次讲话中,布什根据苏联发生的重大转变提出超越遏制战略,以取代战后美国推行了40多年的遏制战略。由于苏联崩溃的速度很快,超越遏制战略尚未全面实施即告过时。1990年8月,布什提出以建立世界新秩序为目标的新的国家安全战略。从近期美国政府的言论和行动可以看出,新的安全战略与冷战时期的遏制战略甚至超越遏制战略相比已有很大不同,主要表现在下述五个方面。 The ending of the Cold War has brought five significant changes in the US national security strategy. (1) As the former Soviet Union collapsed, the United Stntcs finds that the global threat came to an end and the threats caused by regional conflicts have loomed large and muse be dealt with in a new way of selective involvement. The US also switches the targets of SDI from the former Soviet overall attack to the Third World missile attack. (2) In the Cold War period, the United States attached great importance to its military security, but in the post-Cold War period, the United States feels to be compelled to shift its emphasis to political and economic matters due to the change of the security environment and the relative decline of its national power. The magnitude of military measures is definitely descending. (3) The priority on the US military agenda of nuclear forces in the Cold War has been reversed to conventional forces. (4) The patterns of US arms control and disarmament have changed. The US is now conducting unilateral, bilateral and multilateral arms reductions simultaneously. (5) The disin- tegration of the Sovict Union and the collapse of the bi-polar system have shaken the foundation of western alliance. Though the United States still needs to coordinate and cooperate with its allies in advancing western values and political system and in settling certain principal international issues, the contradictions and frictions within the alliance are explicitly fermenting. The United States has to regulate its relations with the allies accordingly, or even make unwilling concessions when necessary. In summery, the on-going US adjustment of national security strategy is unlikely to be a smooth sail due to numerous restricts.
作者 刘力平
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第3期16-21,63-64,共8页
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