

The Commonwealth of Independent States:the Basic Tendency of Their Foreign Policies
摘要 去年12月8日,前苏联的白俄罗斯、俄罗斯、乌克兰三个共和国首脑在明斯克签署成立独立国家联合体协定,指出“苏联作为国际法主体和地缘政治现实已不存在”。12月21日,前苏联11个共和国首脑在阿拉木图集会,签署了关于独立国家联合体议定书。12月25日,苏联总统戈尔巴乔夫发表电视讲话,宣布辞去总统和最高统帅职务。 The establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States, formally declaring the complete dissolution and elimination of the Soviet Union, was followed by the fact that each republic entered onto the world stage as an independent state one after another. Russia once put forwarda suggestion of setting up a general institute to coordinate the foreign policies of the Commonwealth of Independent States, but got no response from the other which acted on each's will in diplomacy. Having inherited the diplomatic status of the former USSR, Russia will further pursue the 'new thinking' diplomacy centering on the western countries, in which Russia-US relatios are its top priority, due to its urgent need in the economic and political fields. with huge potential resources, Russia, still one of the global powers, also has to pay attention to the width of its international contacts. The Central Asian countries are located in a specific geographical position and possess an important strategic status. Being rich in mineral resources, they are bogged down in a quagmire and are urgently in need of foreign aid, a case accounting for the active entry into this region in succession by the US and other western countries. At the same time, the Central Asian countries arc energetically unfolding geodiplornacy by means of their deep historical origins with the neighbouring Muslim world in the aspects of races, religions, languages and cultural traditions. As an European power, Ukraine puts its diplomatic emphasis on the West and meanwhile attaches importance to developing the relations with the other countries and regions, particularly the oil-rich countries in the Middle East. Since it is only three months after the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States, there still exist complicated contradictions among the member states, and each is beset with various troubles, further observation and studies are needed on the evolution of their foreign policies.
作者 陈明山
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第2期3-7,63,共6页
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