1 萧统《陶渊明集序》曰:“余爱嗜其文,不能释手;尚想其德,恨不同时。故更加搜求,粗为区目。白璧微瑕者,惟在《闲情》一赋。扬雄所谓劝百而讽一者,卒无讽谏,何必摇其笔端。惜哉,无是可也!”盖陶渊明之文学因萧统而显,其《闲情赋》遂亦因萧氏而成为一段争论不休的公案。反对萧氏此说的先有苏轼,其态度极其强烈,他说:“渊明《闲情赋》,正所谓《国风》好色而不淫,正使不及《周南》,与屈、宋所陈何异?而统乃讥之,此乃小儿强作解事者。”
This essay first cites Xiao Tong's criticism of Tao Yuanming's Xian Qing Fu (Leisurely Mood Fu) which gives rise to endless controversy. There have been two critical opinions concerning this fu, which is a style of descriptive prose interspersed with verse: the first opinion is that it is an expression of aspiration. Through an analysis of the work itself, the author of this essay believes that it is an expression of Tao's passionate love experience, thus revealing another aspect of the poet's life, the aspect which is far from languid. The author also discusses the two themes which occur successively in love and leisurely mood fu and ci, the latter being astyle of ballad. Due to the censure of Xiao Tong, the love theme which finds its expression in fu was not fully developed, which is a loss to Chinese literature.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)