使用两台PHOTO—SONICS IPL型16mm高速同步摄影机,拍摄了1990年北京第11届亚运会5名女子举重冠军(其中4名是世界纪录创造者,1名为世界锦标赛冠军)的挺举技术影片,通过对影片的解析、计算、分析,得出如下结论:1.通过对比分析找出女选手挺举技术与男选手的差距,主要是杠铃上升的相对高度高,杠铃的回降距离大,无效功占的比例大,有较大的改进潜力。2.五名女选手相比,邢芬有杠铃上升高度适宜,回降距离最小等优点,技术较好;黄晓瑜的发力效果好,但杠铃上升高度和回降距离偏大,需要改进。3.膝关节的最佳发力角和运动幅度,不仅取决于膝关节肌本身的功能,还与人体整体的姿势和总体负荷有关。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the jerk techniques of five female weightlifting champions (world record holder 4,World Championship gold medalist l)at Beijing Asian Games, using synchronous filming with two PHOTO-SONICS 1PL high speed cameras. Results showed that: (l)as compared with male weightlifters,the raising distance of the bar exceeded the normal range, which produced a larger useless work,indicating a higher potential for technical improvement in the females; (2)the comparison among the five demonstrated that Xing Fen had a suitable raising distance,thus a smaller dropping distance, with better techniques. Huang Xiaoyu had a better first puil and a larger raising and dropping distance of the bar; (3) the optimum knee joint angle of first pull and the range of angle movement depended not only on the functional status of the knee muscle,but also related to the posture of the whole body and the total weight loaded.
China Sport Science