一、组建大桂林旅游区是搞活旅游经济的战略举措 一般认为,桂林旅游区包括桂林市和阳朔县,这是关于桂林旅游区地域范围的狭义理解。从资源类型组合关系、资源地域分布结构及有利于区域经济发展的角度考虑,宜将桂林旅游区扩大至包括桂林市、阳朔县、临桂县、灵川县、兴安县、永福县、资源县及龙胜各族自治县(一市七县),共同组成“大桂林旅游区”。其理由是:(1)上述各县均与桂林市相毗连。
The article discusses the reasonable Tegional scope of the Greatey Guilin Tourism Region from the angle of geography and economy.It holds that establishing the Grea-ter Guilin Tourism Region can result in the formation of a complete tourism regio-nal system, strengthen the capacity of tourist reception, facilitate the expansion ofopening to the outside world and rejuvenate its regional economy. The article sug-gests that the Guilin Tourism Region not only boasts abundant tourism resources, butalso enjoys an advantageous geographical location. Developing the Greater GuilinTourism Region is of great significance to the development of Guang Xi Province,Southwest China, as well as the entire country. The article addresses a target for development, a development pattern, an orien-tation for economic development and a solution for its development.
Tourism Tribune