
关于沙州曹氏和于阗交往的诸藏文文书及相关问题 被引量:5

On the Tibetan Correspondence written to Each Other by the Cao Family of Shazhou and Emperor of Khotan
摘要 一已有的研究和存在的问题在伯希和、斯坦因自敦煌搜去的一批古藏文文书中,有一些不属于吐蕃统治河西时代的,而是其后沙州归义军节度使、甘州回鹘和于阗国相互交往或官府使用的文书。由于8、9世纪吐蕃分别统治过这些地方,皆曾使用藏文,所以在吐蕃统治结束后,藏文仍然通行,尤其是三地之间彼此交往,不论用于阗文,回鹘文,汉文都有一定困难。 Hungarian scholar Geza Urag cited eighteen pieces of the Tibetan documents in the paper 'Something about the Tibetan Language used by the Local Governments of Gansu and khotan', Six pieces of them were the correspondence written to each other by the Cao family of shazhou and emperor of khotan. Geza Vray firmly believed that all of the six pieces were written in the time of Cao Yijin. He dated them according to the official titles appeared before and after. But he did not provide full evidences for it. Now through the research, we can come to the following conclusions: 1. Two pieces of them were written by the Emperor of Khotan to Shazhou. One was the 'Gang Hetai Cang Juan' in which the Emperor of Khotan and Tai Bao were called brothes. It has been testified to be written in 925 A. D. The other was the 'Zhang Xiong Tian Zhi khotan wang Yu lin Di lin Gong shu'. According to the titles, we know that it was written in about 924 A. D. 2. The other four pieces of them were written by the Cao family of shazhou to Khotan. One of them was the 'Cao Tai Bao Yu Fu wang Tian Shen Shi Zhi Li Da Wang Shu ', Some people think that it was written by Cao Yanlu to the King of Xizhou Uygurs. But the paper discusses that it was written in 922-923 A. D. for the appellation of lion king. The other of them, P. t 1284 Ⅱ found in the Same manuscript was sent to khotan as a document. The third of them p. t. 984 was the shazhou Cao Lin Gong Bing Chen Sheng Shen Rhotan wang Shu 'which was written as the same time as p. t. 1284 Ⅲ in 922—923A. D. The fourth of them. pt 1120 back was the 'Shazhou Cao Shang shu Dui Khotan Sheng Shen pusa wang He Tian Zhi Di Chen Wen' which was written in 921 A. D. when Cao Yijin began to wield power.
作者 黄盛璋
出处 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第1期35-43,119-120,共11页 Dunhuang Research
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