在中国和西方的文化交流史上,耶稣会士曾起过桥梁作用。由于他们的译介,一些西方科学技术著作得以传入中国,而也正是通过他们,中国的部分典籍被介绍到西方。 利玛窦是来华耶稣会士的早期代表人物,在中国生活近30年之久。他不仅是西方科学技术知识的传播者,还是宗教观念和人生伦理的介绍人。他的译著获得当时名家好评。
Jesuits had played the role of bridge in communication of culture between China and the West.The purpose for which Mattew Ricci came to China was to preach Christianity and the translation of the scientific and technological books was only means in preaching the Gospel,and his works in Chinese were directly to serve missionary activities.
Through more than one decade's efforts Ricci finally came to Peking, the Capital of Ming Dynasty. In acquiring permanent residence from the Chinese Emperor, Ricci had to concealed his real purpose and made every effort to make friends among the high officials and nobles in order to raise his own position and to pave the way for preaching Christianity. Except the translated scientific and technological books, Ricci's other works in Chinese are full of principles of the West, but traces of these principles could be found also in China. And the concept of 'God created the world and created the mankind itself' is the tremendous difference of thoughts and concepts between China and the West.
World History