近两年来,英国国内围绕着是否加入和如何加入欧洲经济货币联盟的问题展开了激烈争论,撒切尔夫人的下台还与此直接有关。本文试就英国对欧洲经济货币联盟的态度及加入汇率机制对英国经济的影响作一浅析。 1989年4月,欧共体委员会主席德洛尔在马德里理事会上发表了一份报告,提出分三个阶段实现货币联盟,最终实现单一货币和中央银行。德洛尔报告的第一阶段包括在现有机构范围内加强经济和货币政策的协调,共同体所有成员国加入欧洲货币体系的汇率机制。第二阶段中。
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, British attitude towards EMU evok-ed strong repercussions among the EEC countries and in Britain itself. In view ofits own interents, British government opposed the adoption of a single European cur-rency and the establishment of a European central bank. The reasons are: (1) It isdifficult to bring into reality the second and third phase of Delors' report becauseof its lack of concrete measures; (2) Conditions are not yet ripe for establishingan European central bank and issuing the single currency; (3) Britain will lose thesovereignty in the financial field after the adoption of the single currency and theentablishment of a central bank. Therefore, Britain put forward a suggestion of us-ing some 'hard ECU', of which the main contents are: (1) The control of the eco-nomic policy should be maintained by each member state to a maximum and themonetary policy of each member state will still be formulated by the central bank ofeach country; (2) While establishing 'a sys of various currennies' and replac-ing the single currency with the 'hard ECU', an European monetary fund is to beset up instead of the central bank; (3) It is necessary to stablize commodity pricesand hold down the inflation rate. Britain's access to the mechanism of exchange ratein European monetary system has made some positive impact on British economy.