
北约的战略调整与走向 被引量:1

NATO: Its Strategic Adjustment and Trend
摘要 北约成立于1949年4月。它的成立是以苏联和东欧国家为对手,目的是为了“遏制苏联”、“反对共产主义”。40余年来,北约与华约形成了东西方两大军事集团进行冷战对峙的局面。近两年来,由于苏联的困难,东欧局势剧变,两个德国实现了统一,华约于今年7月1日正式解体,使得建立在冷战和集团对峙基础上的北约的存在发生了问题。北约组织内部正在对北约的前途进行辩论,对北约的战略体制进行调整。今后,北约的命运如何,有无存在必要,如何存在下去,已成为当前国际形势中众所关注的问题。本文试从以下几个方面进行分析。 The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation since its founding in April 1949 and the Warsaw Pact have evolved intotwo diamatically opposed military blocs in the Cold War between the East and theWest. However, in the past two years, the dismantlement of the Warsaw Pact andthe unification of East and West Germany have shaken the very foundation of NATO'sexistence. Since NATO is in such a changeable situation in the post-Cold War, itis imperative to make a comprehensive strategic adjustment. After its summit con-ference last July, NATO successively, held meetings of defence ministers and foreignministers in late May, and early June this year, and in these meetings decisions weremade, that in military strategy, it should shift 'the forward defence' strategy cen-tering on guard against the Soviet threat to the 'rapid reaction' strategy focusing oninsurance against the eventualities; in political aspect, it should transform the strategyof 'military containment' into 'peaceful strategy' with focal point on polical in-filtration. Though NATO will live out a fairly long time through its restructuring,within it a series of disputes will remain. The divergence over the issues such as the strengthening of NATO's function and European security defence will make the frict-ions between the US and Europe more complicated. There still exist some differencesover the details in the NATO's strategic transformation such as nuclear strategy, themilitary leadership and expentiture-sharing. With the further development of theWorld situation, there will be constant alteration in NATO's function and nature.What will be the future of NATO? and how long will it exist? All these cannot butbe restricted by various international factors.
作者 燕襄君
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第3期21-25,63-64,共7页
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