
冷战后时期美国对外战略的调整 被引量:1

USA: the Adjustment of Its Foreign Strategy in the Post-cold-war Period
摘要 1989年下半年以来,东欧形势剧变,美苏关系缓和,雅尔塔体制瓦解,冷战基本结束,国际战略格局发生举世瞩目的巨大变化。布什政府根据变化中的新形势,开始调整其对外战略,而海湾战争的爆发更给美国对外战略的调整以巨大影响。一、调整的背景和依据美国对冷战后时期国际形势的基本估量是其调整对外战略的依据。 In thePost-cold-war transition period, the environment of the US foreign strategy has greatlychanged, as the world is going to be multi-polar, more complicated and turbulent. The main targets for the US adjustment of its foreign strategy are: vitalizing theUS economic power; pursuing the system of Parliamental democracy all over theworld; attaching importance to the United Nations, pushing forward the system ofcoordination and cooperation between the US and the Soviet Union; consolidating thewestern alliance headed by the US; striking at the regional hegemonic countries inthe third world in order to assure the US leading position in the world of post-cold-war period and establish a new world order dominated by the US. The main contents of its adjustment arc: vitalizing the US with high-tech toensure its undefeated position in the competition of the comprehensive state poweramong the big nations; making full use of the United Nations to serve the US globalstrategy; while continuing to carry out the stategy of 'beyond containment' towardsthe Soviet Union, preventing the reverse and sudden changes in the Soviet domestic situation; adjusting and renewing the relations in the alliance, proposing 'the neo-Atlantism' and building up 'the tri-polar structure' with Germany and Japan; deve-loping the tendancy of practising power politics against third world countries. The UStactical measures will be more practical and flexible so as to emphasize on drawingsupport from the allied countries and coordinating with them in their relations. Since its ability is falling short of its wishes, there are contradictions which arehard to be overcome between its strategic goals and objective reality, the US adjust-ment of its foreign strategy will surely be confronted with many difficulties andobstructions.
作者 哈枚
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第2期13-17,63-64,共7页
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