In the course of development and changes for the past thirty years, Black African
countries have carried out a series of explorations and practice in order to esta-
blish astable and effective political institution. The choices of the black African
countries for the ways of political development have not been made unfoundedly
by their leaders being prompted by an impulse; they have been the results of
he interactions of some ofjective and historical conditions like specific social
and economic factors, both domestic and international of these countries. Al-
though the ways are long and tortuous,yet the Black African countries will even-
tually find the right orientation for their own political transformation if only
they persist in their seeking and exploration. To review the background and tra-
ck of the political institutions of the Black African countries, and to probe into
the laws bearing universal significance, is of practical importance for under-
Standing the Afrlcan problems and predicting their future Better
West Asia and Africa