近年来,我国学术界对非洲的一党制、多党制发生了很大兴趣,进行了热烈的讨论,这是我国学术工作者对非洲现实问题和非洲国家政治发展十分关切的表现。中国非洲史学会于1991年4月上旬举办了“独立以来非洲国家政治体制典型分析”的学术讨论会,目的在将研究和讨论引向深入。 在非洲50余国中,肯尼亚在政治经济等方面都是较突出的国家之一。它由独立时的多党政治变成了一党国家,又由事实上的一党制变成了法律上的一党制,在1990年的多党制潮流中,它是顶住了这股潮流的冲击而保持一党统治的个别国家之一。本文拟就肯尼亚一党制的建立、执政党的地位和作用、1990年的多党运动和执政党的对策等问题谈一些管见。
The multi-party current rising in Africa in 1990 has caused to collapse one-
party rule in many African countries. The reasons why kenya could have
withstood the pounding of such tidal current seem to lie as follows: First,Kenyats
one-party system is the result of the long-term political struggle in Kenya
since independence, it reflects basically the balance of class and factional forces
in present-day Kenya, and is accepted by most people; Second, the KANU
Government adopted a dual policy of suppression and limited reform, producing
marked success; Third, Kenya has gained an annual economic growth of arrou-
nd 5% for the recent 5-6 years, being one of the outstanding few in Africa;
Fourth,the general orientation of the KANU government has been to the satisfac-
tion and supported by the West, which seem to have no intention to take ad-
vantage of the pluralism campaign and help tine opporsition topple the existing
regime; Fifth, measures adopted by president Moi in past years for revitalizing
and strengthening the position and authority of the ruling party have played
their role. However, advocates of multi-partyism have by no means abandoned
their efforts; at a time when the multi-party campaign supported by the west
is contineously sweeping the Africal continent, the ruling party of Kenya mi-
ght find it difficult to sit back and relax as yet.
West Asia and Africa