Owing to the discovery of antinomies in set theory, the object and method emp-loyed in mathematics foundational studies have become definite and precise, and thephilosophy of mathematics has gradually been evolving into metamathematics. Procee-ding from this angle. this essay conducts a comparison between the foundational studyof mathematics and that of empical science. After a systematic exposition of issuesconcerning ordinary the philosophy of science, the author points out that the philoso-phy of science is a foundational study, a logic and methodologic study on the concep-tual system, mode of reasoning and theoretical structure of empirical science. However,as there is no crisis occurring to the basis of empirical science as that occurring to mat-hematics realm, the object and method for the philosophy of science are not yet definiteand unified.
Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences