

Review of International Situations in 1987 and Prospects Hereafter-Summary of a Discussion on. International Situations Held by Our Editorial Department
摘要 1987年12月12日,本刊编辑部邀请本所研究人员举行了一次国际形势讨论会,会议结合美苏首脑会谈和中导条约的签署,对1987年的国际形势进行了回顾并展望了今后的发展趋势。现将发言内容综合介绍如下。 (1) In 1987 international situations tended to be relaxed with new features bearing more substantial contents and longer duration. They are embodied in: a) Heads of the US' and the USSR signed the first treaty of nuclear reduction on Dec. 8.-the Treaty of Complete Destruction of Intermediate-Range Missiles of both sides; b) The tensions in hot spots (such as Afghanistan and Kampu(?)hea) and regional conflicts were tilted to cool down; c) International pattern kept developing towards a multi-polar direction and international politics tended to be more democratized. (2) In US-USSR relations in 1987, there were new breakthroughs in the'r dialogue and greater improvement and easing of their relationship while their contention and confrontation were still under way. (3) Wsetern Europe has been exploring the possibility of establishing a more secure and stable relationship with the USSR. As the contradiction between the US and Western Europe in their security interests has grown deeper, the latter is still taking measures to improve its unfavourable situation in the Western Alliance. Unity of Western Europe keeps on gaining momentum. (4) As the military confrontation in the Asia-Pacific region was reduced to some extent, the friction and competition in the political and economic fields have become more and more complicated. In Kampuchea, big-scale battles diminished relatively. While military situation in Afghanistan has been in stalemate, the activities seeking for political solutions have been evidently increasing. In Korean Peninsula, there have been a relative stability in a power-balanced environment. (5) With the easing of in(?)ernat onal relations, economic, technological competition and cooperation among various nations will go in a big stride over the world.
出处 《现代国际关系》 1988年第1期3-7,63,共6页








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