The current US president Ronald Reagan's term of office is due to expire in January 1989. Judging from the development of the international current affairs and the US political situation in the 1980's, the post-Reagan's US political situation will, in a certain period, continue to adjust toward the direction of moderate conservative trend on the basis of the conservative guideline which Reagan is now carrying out. The main reasons arc: (1) The election of Mr. Reagan, the conservative representative of the US Republican Party, to the presidency in 1980 and his implementation of the conservative administration guideline are not accidental; (2) Reagan's conservative policy has resulted in greater success in extricating the US from economic inflation and reinforcing his position of strength, thus winning the appreciation of monopoly capitalists and most voters' support; (3) The voter's emotion may change somewhat, but the conservative currents still hold dominant position; (4) Both the Democrats and Republicans are nearly evenly matched with the rise of strength and influence of the middlc-of-the roaders in the Democrats themselves, the policy of the Democratic Party is shifting towards conservatism, while the moderate conservatives in Republican Party are gaining power and influence as well; (5)Since 1960, the balance of forces of the various financial groups has undergone some changes, the power and influence of the local financial groups in the West and South have reinforced, while the East financial groups have relatively weakened, and the Federal power is shifting westward.