

Western Europe: Foreign and Security Policy in New International Situations.
摘要 西欧在当今世界经济中的地位有何变化,近几年来成为国内外的热门话题。这不仅关系到西欧的政治地位,而且关系到世界经济格局。其中,有“西欧衰落”一说,並与“亚太地区崛起”相对照。同时对西欧在当今世界经济中的作用,也各有不同的见解。本文试就这些问题谈几点粗浅的看法。 Nowadays the international relations are at a stage during which significant changes are taking place. The complicated and changing international situations have put forward a series of severe challanges to the West European countries. They have come to realize that the challenges have not only brought pressure on them, but also provided opportunities for them. They are trying to improve their foreign and security policy. Roughly; the trends of foreign and security policy in Western Europe are as follows: (1) strengthening the 'European pillar' and readjusting the Western Alliance on the conception of 'two piers' in an attempt to establish equal partnership within NATO to coordinate on the defence and strategy between the European allies and the US; (2) readjusting their relations with the US, actively developing Euro-Japanese relationship, seeking to forge a equilateral triangle ties among the US, Europe and Japan within the Western Alliance; (3) in respect of the relations with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, adhereing to the dual policies of defence and detente with emphasis on detente, so as to get Eastern Europe West-oriented; (4) continuing to promote North-South dialogue, readjusting development ploicy, respecting national self-determination, supporting regional cooperation and pursuing a Third World policy with more European characteristics; (5) seeking to establish long-term and stable partnership with China through further economic cooperation and closer political consultations. That whether the above-mentioned goals of foreign and security policy of Western Europe can be carried out smoothly will depend mainly on the process of West European unity. It is estimated that in a certain coming period of time the pace of the unity of Western Europe may be speedier than that in the past thirty years owing to the grow- ing external pressure and their own increasing cohesive force.
作者 邬九懿
出处 《现代国际关系》 1988年第1期52-55,33+64-65,共7页
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