

China's Structural Reform: its Urgency, Arduousness and Advantages.
摘要 20世纪80年代是我国进行体制改革的重要年代。在此期间,国际政治军事形势由紧张转趋缓和,世界许多国家先后不同程度地内向,把发展经济和科技摆在首位,从而在全球范围内掀起一场以调整、改革为手段、以提高综合国力为目标的全面竞赛。这场竞赛很可能贯穿整个90年代,并对下一个世纪的世界力量对比及各国在国际舞台上的地位和作用产生决定性影响。我国的体制改革正处在这一世界性深刻变动的关键时期。 The challenges in the international environment, which China is confronted with in its structural reform, are comprehensive, but in te(?)s of present period, the severest, urgentest and most fundamental challenges find themselves in the economic field, therefore, we must step up and deepen our economic reform to meet them. Taking economic power in comparison, the difference between the South and the North is enlarging; the developing countries arc being further polarized, the gap between some advanced developing nations and China in per capita GNP is still big; in ways of developing production, the improvement of economic efficiency and benefit has fallen behind the speed of production development in China, thus, failing to a great extent to conform with the world currents of underlining coordination and enlarged reproduction; as far as international trade is concerned, while all the countries are rushing to improve the composition of exported products, our one of exported products is accordingly backward; as for the aspect of world financial market and the direction of capital flow, the number of our competitors has increased.At the same time, there are many opportunities we may take advantage of. Since the beginning of the 1980s, international political and military intense situations have turned into relaxed ones, and all the big world powers have taken the development of economy and science-technology as their priority, these cases have provided us with a relatively stable international surroundings: economic reform and adjustment spreading all over the world have been taken as lessons to draw by us; the change of world economic set-up, especially Asia-Pacific economic set-up, has given China a good chance to absorb foreign investment and to develop export-orientated-pattern economy.
作者 董一平
出处 《现代国际关系》 1988年第3期3-8,63,共7页
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