

A New Era for the Development of East-West European Relations.
摘要 东西欧关系的发展历程第二次世界大战结束前夕,罗斯福、丘吉尔和斯大林分别代表美英苏签署了雅尔塔协议,该协议把昔日西方世界的中心——欧洲一分为二,西欧与东欧的概念和东西欧关系问题就此出现。东西欧关系随着国际形势的发展,尤其是美苏关系的发展和东西欧自身力量的升降而演变,迄今大体可以分为四个阶段。一、冷战阶段。从战后至50年代末的10多年间。 After having experienced three stages of cold war, thaw and detente in the 1950s-1970s since the Second World War, East-West European relations have entered into a new era of dialogue and cooperation in the 1980s. Tn maintaining European security, seeking European developments and striving for a greater role in international arena as the common wishes and demands of the East-West European countries, their relations in the 1980s bear some characteristics that are clearly different from the former ones: The pan-European consciousness increases while the group consciousness decreases, COMECON and EC have turned from their antagonism to mutual acknowledgement, the level of political dialogue between the two parties has been upgraded, they hold more common opi- nions on matters concerned; East-West Germans are active in their relations, playing a leading part in the approach of Eastern and Western Europe, and it is the unanimous action of the European countries to promote East-West relations energetically. As the world developing from bipolar to multipolar and East-West relations being eased, it is expected that the military confrontation in the European region will be weakened while political, economic and cultural cooperations will increase, East-West European inclination to be independent of the USSR and the USA will further develop and they will play an increasingly greater part in East-West relations. In view of the fact that the development of East-West European relations must be preconditioned by protecting the basic interests of the USA and the USSR and maintaining the stability in Europe, and that Eastern Europe has some economic problems including heavy debts and lack of foreign exchanges, East-West European relations can't develop too fast, their improvement will be a long, slow and gradual process. But East-West Europe will probably achieve some break-throughs in the political, economic and cultural cooperations along with the shift of international situation, or in the case where they need to do so.
出处 《现代国际关系》 1988年第3期9-17,63-64,共11页
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