
印度的对外经济发展战略及政策趋向 被引量:3

India: Its External Economic Development Strategy and Policy Tendency
摘要 印度是一个发展中的大国,经济以国内市场为主,对外开放程度比较小。对外经济发展战略服务于实现工业化和地区大国的总目标。独立后,尼赫鲁总理制定了全方位的对外经济政策,多方获取外援,并对外国私人投资实行利用与限制相结合的政策,以弥补本国建设资金和技术的不足;同时实行进口替代政策,建设自己的工业体系。 India's economy is based on domestic market, and the principle on which its external development strategy is worked out depends on the general goal of reaching industrialization and a regional power status. After India's independence, its then Premier Nehru projected an all-directed external economic policy and acquired the aids from all sides in light of its non-alignment guideline. At the same time, he practised import-substitution and self-reliance, exporting equipment and technology as a result of making good use of its scientific-technological surperiority. Since the beginning of the 1980s, India has accelerated the pace of operating to the outside world.Between 1949 and March 1987 the total foreign economic aids to India amounted to about US$ 60bn. By the end of 1986, the whole sum of its foreign debts had risen to US$ 42bn with debt repayments accounting for 20% of its export. India's experience in obtaining foreign aids can be summerized as follows: (1) making use of the attention shown to its international strategic position by Washington and Moscow, as well as the rivalry between them to seck aid from both sides. (2) getting large amounts of aid from the World Bank. (3) trying its utmost to seek aid from other countries. (4) showing prudence in using IMF loan and international business credit.In the 1970s, excessive restraint of foreign investment Hindered foreign capital inflow. In the 1980s, India has opened some sectors, such as energy resources, electronic equipment and tourism, and reduced tax rates for foreign investment, but didn't alter the regulation, according to which foreign ownership is limited to a maximum 40% of whole share in joint ventures. Though it resulted in the increase of foreign investment, the amount is still less than 100m per year. Therefore, Ragiv Gandhi demanded further measures for encouraging foreign investment.
作者 华碧云
出处 《现代国际关系》 1988年第4期3-9,63,共8页
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