在西方法治经历了二百多年的实践以后 ,在当今的法学理论界出现了所谓的法治危机 ,即传统的依法办事的理念受到了来自不同方面的批评。法治命题能否成立 ?法律解释的客观性是否存在 ?法律有没有确定的答案 ?有没有惟一正确答案等都成了法学 (尤其是其中的批判法学 )评论的对象。如何摆脱西方法学者所讲的法治危机 ,已严肃地摆到了法学理论工作者面前。在这种形势下出现了多种理论 ,许多作者都试图摆脱传统法治的困境。其中 ,法律论证理论就是重要的一支。法律论证理论虽然在一定程度上对传统的法治理论有所修正 ,但从总的方面看 ,它是对法治精神的维护 ,是在新的历史条件下捍卫法治的理论。为了进一步论证法治的命题 ,本刊编辑部组织了山东大学的部分师生对此问题进行了专题研究 ,以期引起共鸣与反思。现刊载部分以便推动此项问题的深入研究。
After having been practiced in western states for more than two hundred years, the rule of law has been challenged by the circle of legal theory,in which the idea of ruling according to law has been criticized by various aspects.Can the thesis of rule of law be justified?Does objectivity of legal interpretation exist?Does the law has the determinate answer?Does one right answer exist?The previous questions have been the objects of recent research.How to deal with the crisis of rule of law noted by the western scholars?Such question has been put forward before every jurists.It is under such condition that many types of theories have been presented to tackle the difficulties for traditional rule of law,among which is the theory of legal argumentation.Although theory of legal argumentation has revised the traditional theory of rule of law,on the whole,it presents defense for the rule of law under the new historical condition and thus it persists in the spirits of rule of law.The editor of Journal of Henan Administrative Institute of Politics and Law invites some teachers and students from Shandong University to discuss the topic,some of which have been published here and hope for commentations.We also hope to further the research on legal argumentation.
Journal of Henan Administrative Institute of Politics and Law