

Main West European Nations: Policies, Measures, and Their Impacts on Disarmament
摘要 去年来,西欧主要国家同美苏之间的外交活动十分活跃,在为推动美苏首脑会晤和裁军谈判取得进展方面表现特别积极。这表明,面对里根坚持搞战略防御计划和苏联新领导开始调整策略而出现的美苏争夺的新形势,西欧在设法继续保持美国核保护和加强自己的军事力量(特别是酝酿研究建立欧洲反中、短程导弹防御系统)的同时,正以大力促进美苏和东西方之间的裁军谈判作为维护其安全和稳定的重要一手,并把此列为其当前对外关系中优先考虑的一个重点。 Under the new situation of US-Soviet contest for Europe. the West European nations, from the point of view of the 21st century, in winning time to safeguard their strategic security. to open the prospects of developing hi-tech and to tackle the late domestic political developments, are trying to promote both US-Soviet and East-West talks on disarmament to curb the superpowers' arms race. and are taking this as an important tactic to implement their security strategy and as a priority of their foreign relations.Although the main nations in Western Europe have one common goal in their policy of disarmament, that is to balance the military power between the East and the West under low level, their politics or approaches are divided in certain domains or on certain issues. In carrying out the policy of disarmament, the Western Europe's basic measures are as follows: strengthening their unity and cooperation and coordinating their common positoins, so as to raise their international standing and to exert greater influence; emphasizing the dialogue with the Soviet Union, in order to keep the US and the Soviet Union imformed about each other's intentions, and do their best to impel the Soviet Union to make concessions; under the precondition of adhering to the Western Alliance. urging the US to change its stiff approach, while striving for more say of Western Europe, guarding against the backstage deals by the US with the Soviet Union; actively affecting Eastern Europe to restrain the Soviet Union: and paying attenticn to the cooperation with China.The current situation of US-Soviet contention has created some favourable factors for Western Europe to play a postive role in and to have some impacts on US-Soviet talks on disarmament, while there exist some limits in this resped. But it is still a hard task for the West European nations to push the superpowers' talks on disarmament to develope in the direction completely to their advantage.
出处 《现代国际关系》 1987年第1期27-32,64,共7页
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