

Federal Germany: Development Policy towards the Third World
摘要 一、三十年概况联邦德国向发展中国家提供开发援助始于五十年代中叶。当时,非殖民化的民族解放运动在亚非万隆会议的推动下出现了蓬勃发展的势头。美国出于同苏联争夺势力范围的考虑,要求联邦德国“分担责任”,向新独立的国家提供开发援助。而联邦德国也正想打入这些地区,以满足经济扩张的需要,欣然同意了美国的要求。最初几年,新独立的国家尚少,援助的规模有限。随着民族解放运动“非洲年”的到来,新独立国家与日俱增。为适应形势的发展,联邦德国于1960年5月制订了《开发援助法》,并于同年10月设立联邦经济合作部专司其事,从而把开发援助提高到开发政策的地位。 Federal Germany's development policy towards the third world is an integral part of its general policy. It is of great significance to the implementation of its foreign, economic and security policy. In the past 30 years in order to adapt this policy to the changing international situations, Fe deral Germany has made some major policy readjustments, thus creating several different stages. Since coming to power in 1982, the Kohl Administration has announced a 'new guideline' for its development policy. Its spirit is as follows: by means of conducting political dialogue, strengthening donor country's dominant position in the development cooperation, and enhancing its impact on donee countries with the aim to achieve best results. According to this spirit, the Kohl Administration has reshuffled its Development Service, established some new organizations and institutions, improved its information transmition system and restructured its development policy both in concept and working methods. As Federal Germany is faced with a challenging situation, it owes its development policy to the following tasks: In the North-South relations, Federal Germany consults policy issues with its West allies in an attempt to maintain present world economic order and reduce confrontations; on market issues, in rallying with other West European countries it competes with the US and Japan for the regional market With focus on Asia and Latin America; in political field, in order to adapt itself to the growing trend in world from a bi-polar system to a multi-polar one, it is making great efforts to win over friends in the Second World. As these strategic envisag?m?nts bear the feature of basic policy, they might not be affected by the change of governments in several years to come.
作者 吴方桂
出处 《现代国际关系》 1987年第1期33-38,64-65,共8页
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