

The Wind of "Privatisation" Sweeping over Many Countries
摘要 当前,不少国家出现了把公营企业“私有化”的趋势。这种趋势发展迅猛,不仅发达国家在不同程度上逐步实行,很多发展中国家也相继采取类似措施。去年,美国国际开发署提供资金,在华盛顿设立了“私有化中心”,并于今年3月召开了有四十多个国家五百名代表参加的国际会议,专门讨论“私有化”问题。 In recent years, the drive to privatise state-owned enterprises is getting momentum among many countries. This policy is carried out gradually in different degrees net only by the developed countries, but also by many developing countries. Such a trend grows rapidly especially in Asia. Priv?tisation basically falls into three forms: (1) selling out total or part of state-owned enterprises, or haying them on sale in batches; (2) permiting private sactors to participate in competition in the fields where state-owned enterprises are predominant; and (3) contracting some government-run items to private sectors. The reasons that account for the swiftness of this development lie in the fact that it has improved the mismanagement of statcowned enterprises, thus turning losses into profits; conservative thinking regains its dominant position in West economics; it has cut down expenses and reduced financial deficit. The popular privatisation drive might develop further as it has made some progresses. But it is still confined by some factors. The disparity of its development results from the different cases and gaols of various countries, hence those countries which can't reach their goals as extracted may resume the policy of nationalization. Britain has come to the fore in performance of privatisation. This is an important policy in the Thatcher Government's efforts to revitalize British economy. Since 1979 the British government has proceeded with the policy in various flexible ways on a large scale with firm determination. In the enterprises that have been privatised, it has succeeded to some extent in giving an impetus to the competitoin among enterprises and raising their economic effects. British experiences of privatisation have a strong appeal to other countries. However, with this drive stepping, up, the British government has been confronted with a great deal of troubles and touched off many objections. It seems that such a policy is by no means a panacea for the cure of British economy.
作者 文中奇
出处 《现代国际关系》 1987年第1期43-45,38+65,共5页
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