

Latin America: Inrlation Problem.
摘要 拉丁美洲国家通货膨胀率之高居当今世界之首。通胀率的不断上升不仅制约了拉美国家的经济发展,也严重地影响了政局的稳定。近年来,不少国家制定计划,采取措施遏制通货膨胀的发展并收到了一定的成效。一拉丁美洲国家的通货膨胀由来已久,可追溯到第二次世界大战期间。到50年代末已相当严重。从1957年起该地区的消费品价格指数的上涨速度不断提高,1962—1966年达到30%。但那时只是发生在少数几个国家,如阿根廷、巴西、智利和乌拉圭。1961—1965年在巴西,1965—1970年在乌拉圭,由于通货膨胀而引起的物价上涨率已超过60%。 Inflation in Latin America has undergone a long history and now tops over the other regions around the world. The ever-inereasing inflation rate not only hampers the economic development of tne countries in this region, but also affects their political stability. Factors that trigger and exacerbate the inflation couid be traced both from home and abroad, internally, after independence, especially after World War II, the Latin American countries have adopted a strategy of rapid development, resulting in excessive investments, fast-growing imports, extraordinarily heavy foreign debts and their annually-piled interests, which have aroused huge burdens difficult to bear by these countries. Besides, the policy of deficit finance pursued by these countries■as also led to the malignant development of inflation. Externally, a downgrading trend of the prices of the export products from these countries and of their foreign exchange earnings due to the unreasonable world economic structure, has caused enormous ■osses on their economy. All the more, the mounting trade protectionism of the western countries led by the USA, has again hindered their efforts to get foreign exchange revenues through exports, and thus aggravated their troubles in international payment.In order to contain the uprising inflation and to promote economic development, Latin Amercan countries have, early or late, worked out plans and taken measures to adjust their economies. These measures arc substantially alike: freezing prices and wages, reforming monetary systems, curtailing government expenditures, reducing deficits in public sectors, etc. Some initial progresses have been achieved through these years of striving. Inflation has been prevented from further deteriorating and the(?)r economy has gone through a course of development or preliminary stability. However, it will take much time for an eradicable elimination of inflation in this region.
作者 阎玉贞
出处 《现代国际关系》 1987年第4期37-41,64-65,共7页
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