

Togolese president Gnassingbe Eyadema.
摘要 多哥总统纳辛贝·埃亚德马,1936年12月26日生于多哥北部拉马卡拉地区的一个贫苦农民家庭。由于家境贫寒,他只在家乡的一所教会学校念过小学。 1953年至1961年,埃亚德马在法国军队中服役,他先后到过印度支那、阿尔及利亚、贝宁和尼日尔,亲身感到殖民战争的残酷。1960年4月多哥赢得独立。1962年,他退役回到自己的祖国。回国后,他与一起归来的伙伴们要求加入本国军队,报效祖国,但遭到了当时的总统奥林匹欧的拒绝,埃亚德马感到十分愤懑。1963年1月,他作为起义委员会的成员,参加了推翻多哥首任总统奥林匹欧的军事政变,获得成功。在以多哥人民民主同盟领导人格鲁尼茨基为总统的新政府中,埃亚德马担任了多哥武装部队参谋长。新政权建立后,多哥局势仍动荡不安,埃亚德马决心彻底改变这种局面。 Since taking office twenty years ago, Eyadema has internally upheld national unity, emphasized unification of the country and opposed localism and tribalism. He has made use of the sound situations at home to integrate the system of traditional sheik with that of current regime, and brought chieftain's role into full play. In paying great attention to the development of national economy, he has regarded the priority to development of agriculture as key sector and basis of the nation's economic development, greatly promoted the agriculture development through initiating 'the green revolution' and other ways. At present, in addition to meeting the country's basic food needs, Togo has become one of a few grainexported countries in Africa. While focusing on agricultural development, he has vigorously developed national indusry, encouraging national capital to run small and medium-size enterprises. As for those state-run enterprises with deficits, Eyadema has taken many effective measures, such as lending and privatization of them, and now has reaped the initial results. By transfering them to foreign companies to run the business, these enterprisesare able to pay rent and tax to government each year, instead of being subsidized by the state.Eyadema's vigorous implementation of economic policy has born fruit. Togo's GDP has greatly increased from 37.1 billion African franc in 1965 to 346 billion in 1986, thus bringing about an excellent situation of 'peace, unity and stability' in Togo.Externally, Eyadema strongly maintains that Togo is willing to establish friendly and cooperative relations with the rest of the countries in the world on the basis of mutual respect for sovereignty and mutual benefit; he advocats to solve international disputes and to uphold world peace through dialogue and negotiations. At the same time, he intends to strengthen unity among African countrcs, adhers to harmonious and fraternal policy to neighbouring countries. Consequently, Eyadema has won International Peace Prizes for six years running from 1980 to 1986.
作者 刘月明
出处 《现代国际关系》 1987年第4期53-56,65,共5页
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