本文原系作者在国际俄罗斯语言文学教师协会(МАПРЯЛ)第六次世界大会和全体会员大会(1986.8.11—16,布达佩斯)上所作的报告。报告概述了近年我国的俄语教学与研究。 对外开放以来,我国外语教学,包括俄语教学在内,有了重大的发展。1978年全国外语教学会议提出了三项目标:提高外语教学质量,好中学外语基础,改进高校外语教学。 全国共有26所高等学校俄语系招生,每年招收人数近500名。学制4-5年。基础阶段打下语音、词汇、语法基础,全面培养听、说、读、写、译技能,而以口语训练为重点。提高阶段进一步提高言语能力,扩大语言学、国情学等方面的知识,并进行一定专业倾向的训练。近年来,开始在教学上应用语言国情学、话语语言学、功能修辞学等新学科的知识,有的开设了相应的课程。除培养本科生之外,重点大学的俄语系还开始培养硕士、博士研究生。 非外语专业的外语教学以英语为主,但许多高校也开设了俄语课,着重培养阅读专业书籍的能力。1985年举行了公共俄语教学讨论会。 为满足对俄语人材日益增长的需要,许多高校开办了俄语夜大学和函授部。四年制夜大学已纳入国家培养专业人材的体系。 国家教育委员会十分重视修订外语教学大纲和编写外语教材的工作。1980年成立全国外语教材编审委员会以来。
This is a report read by the author at the 6th Congress of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (МАПРЯЛ). The report gives several figures whichshould be of interest to observers in that field: 26 schools of the tertiary level in China have Russian language departments, with a total en-rollment of 500. A curriculum of 4-5 years encompasses 2 stages, a Primary stage for the trainingof basic skills, and an advanced stage for linguistics and Russian culture and history. Academicallyoutstanding universities have postgraduate courses for MA and PhD degrees. Since 1980 33 titles of Russian course books have been published. These include books ofaudiolingual teaching, and books on Soviet history and culture, and Rusaian literature. China Publishes over 20 Periodical journals related to foreign language teaching and researchand 700 papers on Russian language teaching came out 1980-1985. A national association of teachers of Russian was formed in 1981 with a membship of 1500.National as well as regional conferences are held biannually.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research