《经集》是巴利文三藏中一部重要的经典,列在经藏《小尼迦耶》的第五部。它汇集了部分早期佛教经文,其中多数经文的产生年代相当古老,有的甚至是最古老的。在公元前三世纪阿育王的跋婆罗(Bhabra)赦令中规定必须学习的经文内,就有三部与《经集》的一些章节等同:《牟尼偈》(Munigāthā)等同于《经集》中的《牟尼经》(第一品第十二章)、《牟尼经》(Mauneya sūtra)等同于《经集》中的《那罗迦经》
This paper describes the contents of the Pali Suttanipada and makes a com-parison between Atthakavagga, the 4th chapter of the Sutta, and the Chinesetranslation of Yi-zu-jing. It points out that the similarities between the Palitext and the translation was exaggerated by Anasaki, a Japanese scholar, wholived in the early years of the present century, and therefore it urges moreattention to be Paid by Chinese scholars on further comparative study.
South Asian Studies