Past experiments on rhesus monkeyswere made like this:the trained animalswould pull a lever when a specialsymbol or character flashed on ascreen.For each correct response,some food would be automati-callydropped into the dishes in front ofthem.The experiments needed a set ofsophisticated and expensive instrument.Today.with the extensive use of themicrocomputer it is possible to carryout the above-mentioned experiments onlyby software.In this paper we willintroduce a kind of software for psycho-logical tests.by which the above-mentioned test can be made.The software had six programsapplicable to experiments in memory,response ability,operational ability andintetligence.The function and operation methodof each program will be shown first.The programs will then be explainedbriefly.Finally,the possibility to extendthe functions of the programs will bepointed out.