郭家村遗址发现的动物遗骨比较多,石化程度一般较浅。郭家村遗址共分二层,据碳十四测定,上层木炭(T1)树轮校正值距今4430±140年,下层(T6F2)距今5626±125年。这些动物遗骨比较破碎,散布在各处,有的出于房址和灰坑中,这可能是人类敲碎食用后丢掉的。一、现将标本叙述如下(图版玖、拾)。(一)黑鼠(Rattus rattus L.) 仅有一完整左下颌骨,保留 I—M<sub>2</sub>,M<sub>3</sub>缺失。标本下第一臼齿有三对尖,前面一对最小,后面一对最大。M<sub>2</sub>有二对尖。(二)狗(Canis familioris L.) 有五个左下颌骨,二个右下颌骨,保留大部分牙齿,二个右上颌骨,存 P<sup>4</sup>—M<sub>2</sub>,以及右肱骨一根和部分残断尺骨、掌骨等。下颌骨下缘(M<sub>1</sub>—M<sub>2</sub>)中间,
In cultural deposits at the Guojiacun neolithic site were discovered bones of more thana dozen of mammals including the black rat,dog,badger,leopard,racoon dog,wild cat,wolf,tiger,hog,sika deer,river deer,pao-deer,muntjak and musk deer besides a lot of marinemolluscs.From the study of these mammal bones,we can get an idea of the life of thecontemporary mankind with regard to hunting,fishing and the raising of domestic animals.This study enables us to classify and compare those principal animals such as the hog,dogand deer that were then more numerous than the others.Thus we can conduct a preliminarystudy of the chief animals that were domesticated by man in this northeastern part of Chinaduring the neolithic age.In addition,on the basis of the eclogy and evolution of the existence of the above mam-mals,the inference of the then natural environment of the southern tip of the LiaodongPenisula will provide important information for the study of ancient paleogeography andpaleo-climate of the region.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica