自1979年7月8日《中外合资经营企业法》公布施行以来,我国在举办中外合资、合作经营企业(以下简称合营企业)方面,取得了初步进展.已批准举办的合营企业(不包括经济特区的在内)有700多个.其中有一部分业已开业或付诸实施,并取得了一定的经济效益.回顾三年来的实践,要办好合营企业,需要注意以下几个方面的问题.一、要选好合营项目和合作对象. 选好合营项目和合作对象,是办好合营企业的先决条件,它关系到企业建成后能否办得成功,能否取得预期的经济效益.要选好合营项目,首先就得注意因地制宜,发挥优势.在什么地方办什么企业。
In the past 3 years after China promulgated the Law Governing Joint Venture Enterprises between China and Foreign Countries on July 8, 1979, more than 700 joint venture enterprises have been given approval (not including those set up in the Special Economic Zone). A number of these enterprises have gone into operation or started the process of organization.With a view to doing a better work in running joint venture enterprises, the author brings up a few points which merit attention: 1. A careful selection of joint venture projects and prospective partners for cooperation; 2. Holding on to the principle of equality and mutual benefit; 3. Administering by the joint venture enterprises of full power of decision making; 4. Improving management of operation and boosting economic results.The author holds that the issue of boosting economic results should be handled first with improving management. An experience of universal significance seems to be the setting up of a compact and fully competent leading team, upholding of a system in which the general manager assumes full responsibility under the leadership of the board of directors, as well as the perfecting of the personal responsibility system and a whole series of rules and regulations. There is another point worth mentioning, i.e., strengthening the education, and to observe discipline and abide by law among staff and workers, and to be strict and fair in meting out rewards and punishment. Meanwhile it is also necessary to step up technical and professional training of the staff and workers.