一、前言容积(体积)是自然科学,特别是物理学和数学的重要内容之一。使学生准确地掌握容积概念是学校自然学科教学的重要组成部分。皮亚杰在认知发展的研究中曾涉及容积守恒方面的一些问题,如牛奶倾倒实验(将A 杯的奶倾入比之高而窄或矮而宽的B 杯中);胶泥变形实验(泥球变形置入水中);筑房实验(在不同面积的小岛上搭同容积的房子)等,都发现儿童要到十一、十二岁才能达到容积守恒,它落后于数目、物体、重量、长度的守恒。
In order to control the influence ofthe shape and size of the container aswell as the effect of its area and quan-tity,this experiment was made with afixed container and three sets of opera-tions.The results indicate under thisexperimental condition,(1)that the periodbetween 12—15 yrs of age is one ofspeedy development of the volume con-cept,(2)that there are four levels ofchildren's cognition of volume-changes,i.e.,(a)arbitrary answer,(b)sensori-motor dominance,(c)mental imagedominance,and(d)concept as a dominantfactor,where there exists mutual inter-relation between cognitive components,(3)that in children's cognition of volumechanges,their errors are principally dueto the confusion of area and volume,the failure to differentiate volume andheight,and the incapability to identifythe correspondence between space andquantity of volume changes.