In this article,we select the electric energy data of the 31 provinces and cities in the mainland of China as the research data,and divided into different regions,on provincial and regional level,analyzed the electric energy spatial distribution and structure spatial distribution and concentration and economic efficiency.Research shows that: the spatial distribution of electric energy regional difference apparent;In addition to the South West region and the Hubei province in Central China region,the thermal power is the main portion of electric energy;The high density of electric energy output province are mainly concentrated in South West region,the high density of electric energy input province are mainly concentrated in North China and East China region;The high efficiency of electric energy input provinces are mainly concentrated in the eastern coastal area,the high efficiency of electric energy output provinces mainly concentrated in the coal and water resource rich inland areas.The regional differences of electric energy spatial distribution,so integrate the electric energy resource to enable the inter-regional coordination and variation of electric energy distribution and transportation is very necessary.It is one of the main ways to realize electric energy optimized allocation in the national scope.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
electric energy
spatial distribution
difference management