
Fatigue Reliability of Deck Structures Subjected to Correlated Crack Growth

摘要 The objective of this work is to analyse fatigue reliability of deck structures subjected to correlated crack growth.The stress intensity factors of the correlated cracks are obtained by finite element analysis and based on which the geometry correction functions are derived.The Monte Carlo simulations are applied to predict the statistical descriptors of correlated cracks based on the Paris-Erdogan equation.A probabilistic model of crack growth as a function of time is used to analyse the fatigue reliability of deck structures accounting for the crack propagation correlation.A deck structure is modelled as a series system of stiffened panels,where a stiffened panel is regarded as a parallel system composed of plates and are longitudinal.It has been proven that the method developed here can be conveniently applied to perform the fatigue reliability assessment of structures subjected to correlated crack growth.
出处 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2013年第4期413-421,共9页 船舶与海洋工程学报(英文版)
基金 Supported by China Scholarship Council under Grant No.2008110133
关键词 CRACK growth FATIGUE reliability DECK STRUCTURES correlation stiffened PANEL crack growth fatigue reliability deck structures correlation stiffened panel
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