选择24周龄的健康黄鸡(产蛋鸡)60只,随机分为3组,每组20只,分别用含锌60 mg/kg(对照组),400 mg/kg(试验1组)和800 mg/kg(试验2组)的日粮饲喂,试验期为30 d,观察蛋鸡生产性能和精神状态,测定蛋中锌的含量。结果表明,对照组蛋中锌含量13.3 mg/kg,试验1组蛋中锌的含量分别为16.7 mg/kg(15 d时)和15.2 mg/kg(30 d时),比对照组分别增加了25.6%(15 d时)和14.3%(30 d时);试验2组蛋中锌的含量分别为14.8 mg/kg(15 d时)和15.0 mg/kg(30 d时),比对照组分别增加了11.3%(15 d时)和12.8%(30 d时)。结果表明,通过高锌日粮可以大幅度提高蛋中锌的含量,产蛋母鸡是饲料中锌向蛋中转运的良好载体。
For evaluating the effect of high zinc diets on egg production and qualities’ 60 healthy yellow chickens at 24 weeks age(layers) were randomly allocated to 3 groups and fed with diet of different zinc level,such as 60 mg/kg(control group),400 mg/kg(experiment 1 group) and 800 mg/kg(experiment 2 group).During the experiment period of 28 days,the egg production and mental states of the layers were observed,and the zinc content in deshelled eggs were measured.The results showed that the zinc content in deshelled eggs from experiment 1 group was 16.7 mg/kg and 15.2 mg/kg at the 15th day and 30th day,respectively,which was 25.6% and 14.3% higher than that from control group.At the 15th day and 30th day,the zinc content in deshelled eggs from experiment 2 group was 14.8 mg/kg and 15.0 mg/kg,respectively,which was 11.3% and 12.8% higher than the control group,as the zinc content in deshelled eggs from control group was 13.3 mg/kg.It was indicated that high zinc diet could significantly increase the zinc content in eggs and the laying hens were the ideal carrier in the tranportation of zinc from diet to eggs.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences