
论构建具有中国特色的开放大学办学模式 被引量:10

On the School-Running Mode of Open University with Chinese Characteristics
摘要 基本框架 根据我国的实际情况,借鉴国外开放大学办学模式的成功经验,我们认为,具有中国特色的开放大学办学模式可分为学习模式、教学模式和管理模式三个组成部分,其中学习模式是基础,教学模式是核心,管理模式是保证,它们相互联系,相互促进,有机地组合成一个整体——具有中国特色的开放大学办学模式。其基本框架为: 学习模式 The paper proposes that the school-running mode of open university with Chinese characteristics consists of learning mode, teaching mode and management mode, integrated into an organic unity of interrelations and interplay with learning mode being the base, teaching mode the core and management mode the guarantee. The mode owns eight principle features such as opening-up, independence, distance, multi-media, multi-level, systematicness, flexibility, advanced, etc. The paper puts forward eleven operational strategies to make the mode come true; changing of educational ideas; being more widely open; modernization of educational means; the gradual accomplishment of the communication and alliance between TV universities and self-study examination office; establishing evaluation agency to e-valuate open universities fairly; establishing modem student-centered educational thought; founding and perfecting the school-running mechanism that actively adapts to the needs of economic and social development; establishing modem courses and materials system with open and distance education features facing the new century; perfecting student support services, quality assurance system and inner management mechanism of selecting the best for each position and competing fairly. The paper finally points out that as a system engineering, this kind of school-running mode can't be accomplished in one move and the State Education Commission should choose some provincial TV universities with better inner and outside conditions as trial institutions to explore this new mode of running open universities with Chinese characteristics for better and more experience so as to push forward the reform and development of Radio & TV Universities throughout the country.
出处 《开放教育研究》 1997年第3期5-8,45,共5页 Open Education Research
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