
深刻的反思:意味着新的成熟——对中国电大改革和发展中若干问题的认识 被引量:4

In-Depth Thinking: Meaning New Maturity
摘要 本刊自1996年第1期起开展了关于如何发挥中国电大办学优势和教学特色的专题学术讨论,以大连电大韩景文先生的很有见地的文章《电大教育“异化”的反思》为开端,全国电大系统内外的教育同仁围绕该文涉及的电大办学的热点问题展开了热烈的讨论。本刊编辑部先后收到来自全国各地专家学者的大量赐稿,因篇幅限制,只能刊登其中的一部分。作者们怀着强烈的事业心和责任感对中国电大系统的办学目前未能充分发挥优势和办出特色的种种表现、问题的性质与原因和今后如何深化改革等问题各抒己见,畅所欲言,虽看法不尽一致,但都本着说理的精神进行理论阐述,实例引证,历史分析,求同存异。通过讨论,广大读者和同仁加深了对中国电大办学现状的认识,激发了深化电大改革的责任感,对当前抓好“注册视听生”试点工作起了促进作用。对某些尚未取得一致意见的问题,我们相信,随着教育观念的不断更新,电大办学实践的深化改革与发展以及教学现代化水平的逐步提高,人们的共识会越来越多。 根据本刊计划,本期刊登特约评论员丁新、任为民合作撰写的《深刻的反思:意味着新的成熟》一文,作为此专栏学术讨论的阶段性小结。在此我们特向所有关心与支持本刊及赐稿的教育界同仁致以深切的谢意,并恳望在进一步办好本刊的工作中继续得到大家? The publication of the article Review of Alienation in education of TVU by Han Jingwen in Open Education Research No.1, 1996, has produced an intensive response from the TV universities throughoutthe country, and stirred a considerable ripple in the thought. After careful study of every articles for 'contention , the author thinks the controversy concerning several theoretical and practical issues in the reform and development of TV universities successful. Its importance lies in: the conventional frame of thought developed for a long time has been broken through and people begin to reexamine, with rational thinking in association with open and distance education principles, the way TV universities in China have passed over 17 years and their actual mode of teaching; the air of academic study is activated and people are inspired to discover rules, carry on and further develop the school-running results and experiences of 17 years for the further reform and development of TV university education. The author points out , in spite of the world-wide remarkable achievement of 17 years, there still exist issues at the same time, especially the school-running mode which is quite away from the requirements of distance and open universities. However, the change of the existing mode and the foundation of a new mode will have an arduous and tortuous process, first, the change of educational ideas should be settled properly; Second, an organization and management form suitable to open education should be gradually set up and improved; Third, the construction of multi-media teaching materials should be strengthened; Last, the national goals, tasks and measures for the development of TV universities should be fulfilled earnestly. Finally he emphasizes the necessity of more and better experience and models on the way to the attainment of general goals , and the possibility of the occurrence of a situation of many schools of thought contending with one another, for which everyone should be prepared. In this sense, the author hopes Open Education Research will continue to make its contribution to theoretical research and reform practice of Chinese distance education cause.
作者 丁新 任为民
出处 《开放教育研究》 1997年第3期24-28,46-47,共7页 Open Education Research
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