6Interview in Tony Palmer' s Film: A Time There Was ,1979.
7Philip Brett, "Musicality, Essentialism, and Closet", Queering the Pitch : The New Gay and Lesbian Musicology, Edited by Philip Brett, Routledge, New York, 1994,p. 19, 21.
8Philip Brett, "' Grimes is at His Exercise', Sex, Poli- tics, and Violence in the Librettos of Peter Grimes", Siren Songs: Representations of Gender and Sexuality in Opera, edited by Mary Ann Smart, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2000, p. 247.
9Philip Brett, "' Grimes is at His Exercise', Sex, Poli- tics, and Violence in the Librettos of Peter Grimes", Siren Songs: Representations of Gender and Sexuality in Opera, edited by Mary Ann Smart, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2000, p. 247-248.
10Clifford Hindley, "Homosexual Self- Affirmation and Self- Oppression in Two Britten Operas", MQ, lxxvi (1992), p. 147,149.