1991年11月底,平定县城关镇姜家沟村南砖厂在爆破取土时,炸毁2座古代砖室墓,因墓室内壁尚存彩绘人物壁画,遂派人赴现场清理,并在当地收集到另一座已毁墓葬的壁画残块30余件,以及部分仿木构件砖雕残块,可惜已不能复原墓葬全貌。 1994年4月中旬,平定县城关镇西关村北石圪叠山坡东侧,因建房挖土发现古代砖室墓一座,我们在清理此墓的同时,又在其近旁钻探发掘出另一座同期墓葬(早年被毁)。两座墓皆有彩绘壁画。现将这两次清理发掘工作的情况分别简报如下(图一)。
One tomb,of a hexagonal plan and located at Jiangjiagou village .has wall paintings in color showing figures,flower ,deities ,cosmic bodies,etc. .One 1. 2 -by -0. 78 panel on the southeastern wall demonstrates nine ladies , seven playing different instruments and two dancing face to face. The tomb is dated to the Northern Song dynasty. The two octagonal tombs located at the Xizhi village are coded as M1 and M2 respectively. All of the eight walls of Ml are covered with color frescos ,each panel measuring 1.12 by 0. 78m and showing figures with black outline and fill-in colors including red , yellow, blue, green and brown . These excellently preserved paintings exhibit a variety of scenes: gate guardians, loaded camels,drama,freight,women carrying packages,tribute sending , horse stable, etc. ,all skillfully and artistically executed. Paintings of M2 are not so lucky, and only the northwestern panel remains legible as showing a banquet scene. Both tombs yield pottvery vessels and bronze mirrors,and are dated to the Jin dynasty.
Cultural Relics