
试论归纳推理的合理性 被引量:2

On the Rationality of Inductive Inference
摘要 归纳合理性问题最初是由休谟提出的。对这一问题,哲学家和逻辑学家提出了种种解决途径:或借助概率弱化归纳推理的结论,企图对之作演绎论证;或借“世界齐一性”对之作归纳证明;或诉诸无知的解决方式;或釜底抽薪的解决方式。马克思主义认为,归纳虽然不是一种必然性的推理,它的前提的真实不能保证它的结论必然真实,但这并不等于说,归纳推理就是一种毫无根据的推理。 The issue of the rationality of inductive inference was raised by David Hume at first. He deemed that even though the premise of inductive inference was authentic, it was not the guarantee of authenticity of conclusion. Philosophers and logicians have tried quite a few ways to solve the issue, that is, to do deductive proof ; to do inductive proof with the help of the uniformity of the world; and so on. Marxism deems that though induction is not an inexorable inference and the authenticity of its premise could not guarantee the authenticity of its conclusion, one could not say that inductive inference is not rational at all.
作者 夏年喜
出处 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1996年第1期23-28,共6页 Journal of Capital Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 归纳推理 合理性 休谟 inductive inference, rationality, David Hume.
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