
论五四散文运动 被引量:1

On Prose Movement of the May 4th.
摘要 五四文学革命初创期10年的散文倡导和创作,是一场有承传关系、有领袖人物、有外来影响、有理论主张、有创作实绩且影响深远的散文运动。其源头是清末“文界革命”,领袖人物为鲁迅、周作人。它挣脱旧散文“文以载道”的传统束缚,主张“言志”和张扬个性,反对文言文,提倡白话文;它重视白话散文的文学性,强调既要学习生动口语,更要研究语言的逻辑次序、结构关系、美感意味。五四散文运动作者多、报刊上散文栏目多、散文作品集多,各种散文流派已然形成。 During ten years of the initial period of May 4th written language revolution, the advocacy and creation of prose, in fact, was a prose movement which had inheritances,leading personages, theory proposition, foreign impact, solid result and a far-reaching influence. The 'revolution in literatic circle' at end of qing dynasty was it's orign, Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren became the Leading personages, it stood for 'expressing aspiration' and 'spreading out individuality', opposed the writings in classical Chinese and advocated the writings in the vernacular. It paid attention to literature character of vernacular prose and put the emphasis on that not only the lively spoken language but also the logic sequence,the structure relations and the aesthetic flavour of language must be studied. In the movement, the prose author, the prose special column and the prose collected works had emerged in large numbers, the different schools of prose had been formed too.
作者 霍秀全
出处 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1996年第4期52-58,66,共8页 Journal of Capital Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 议论纵横 汪洋恣肆 犀利泼辣 锐气逼人 雄壮气势 革新之举 discussing the matter with great ease, on a boundless ocean taking a full swimming (it means taking action unconventionally and unrestrainedly) (or it means casting off restrictions), in cisiveness and daringness (style), momentum pressing people, majesti
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