
“彭翼仲案”真相 被引量:4

The True Facts of So Called Peng Yizhong's Case
摘要 清光绪三十二年八月(1906年9月),京师外城巡警总厅奉巡警部令,查封《中华报》、《京话日报》,课其社长彭翼仲发配新疆,监禁十年。事为北京历史上前所未有,致舆论大哗,中外震惊,目为国政之要闻。是为“彭翼仲案”。因当局对该案实情讳莫如深,致局外人及后世论者异说纷纭,莫衷一是,俨如疑团。本文据有关资料,辩岐说,考真相,以究明此关系中国近代史、中国报刊史、北京史上久悬之谜。 August, the 32nd year of Emperor Guang Xu of Qing dynasty (september, 1906) the general police-office of outer metropolitan area under the orders from the ministry of police had closed down 'China Newspaper' and 'Daily in Beijing Vernacular' and put a neary punishment on the chief of the press Peng Yizhong. The punishment was chiefly exiling him to Xinjiang and Jialing for ten years. The matter had been so hitherto non-existent that it had aroused a public outcry and a shock at home and abroad, and became then a piece of important news in politics of the country. This was the 'Peng Yizhong's case'. As the government authorities did their best to hide the true facts, the outsiders and the follow-on reviewers have put forward various opinions and explanations on the matter, yet have been unable to arrive at plausible conclusions on it. Until now, it is still full of doubts and suspicions by all appearances. Now the author of this article,based on the relevant material, tries to find out the difference among the various opinions and explanations,ascertain the actual facts, and solve the long-existing mystery in the modern history of China, the press history of China and the history of Beijing.
作者 姜纬堂
出处 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1996年第5期16-24,共9页 Journal of Capital Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 彭翼仲 中华报 京话日报 吴樾狙击出洋五大臣 误传“孙文到京” 吴道明案 清政府摧残舆论 北京史 中国报刊史 中国近代史 Peng Yizhong, China Newspaper, Daily in Beijing Vernacular, Wu Yue's sniping at the five grand ministers of the Qing Government, mistaken news of Sun Wen's arriving at Beijing, Wu Daoming's case, the government of Qing dynasty trampling on public opinion,
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