初期白话诗作者群是以现实主义为特征,并以自己幼稚而丰富的实绩构成新诗现实主义主潮最早的源头.被周作人称为这一群体中最"具有诗人的天分"的新诗拓荒者刘半农,同时也是中国新诗现实主义潮流的奠基人. 刘半农的诗观与诗作不但具有传统经典现实主义特征,而且由于他的"勇敢试验"与探索,扩大和丰富了现实主义表现的范围和方法,使他的现实主义在诞生初期就具备了一种开放式丰富性的特征,我们可以把它称为"丰富的现实主义".
This paper is an attempt to explore Liu Bannong's contribution to the develop-ment of realism in the 'New Poetry' of China. Though adhering to the principle ofauthenticity and the concept of a clear-cut representation, Liu by no means treats'clarity and simplicity' as the sole criterion in judging literary works. Since heassimilates both the traditional Chinese and western methods of artistic representation,Liu is able to exhibit a rich variety in portraying human sentiments. Liu's synbolicand obscure poems originate from his aesthetic pursuit of 'free sketch' and 'ambigu-ity'. Because of his 'bold experimentation'. as pointed out by Shen Congwen, LiuBannong's new poetry assumes the quality of a 'varied and colourful realism'.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)