保罗·蒂利希(Paul Tillich,1886-1965) 是当代著名的美籍德国神学家、哲学家.他毕生从事系统神学的教学与研究,主要著作有:《系统神学》、《文化神学》、《新教时代》、《存在的勇气》、《信仰的动力》等等. 作为一个系统神学家,蒂利希最重要的著作当推洋洋近百万言的《系统神学》,因为该书是他对自己一生的神学研究之总结.但作为一位有所建树的宗教哲学家,他的主要思想特色却集中体现在《文化神学》一书中.蒂利希一生的基本思想具有比较严格的一致性。
This treatise attempts a new approach to the cultural theology of Paul Tillich. Asone of the most influential modern western theologians and philosophers, Tillich isthe most remarkable in his unique introspection of the relations between religion and cul-ture. The essence of his theology lies in his unremitting efforts to reduce the sharpconflicts between religion and culture, mainly through secularizing theology and de- ifying culture. Thus his theology has a realistic tendency. As a Kantian figure in mo-dern theology, Tillich firmly based his theory on 'fideism'.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)