人们往往说,按照马克思的唯物史观,生产力发展水平不仅最终决定整个社会的面貌,而且决定社会主义革命的总顺序.可是,社会主义革命取得胜利的国家却大多是原来经济相对落后的国家,而发达资本主义国家至今还处在相对稳定和发展之中.究竟是历史唯物主义失灵,还是现实社会主义存在的合理性缺乏根据? 这是一个需要回答的重要问题.
By analyzing the general international relations and various factors in promoting
revolution, Marx and Engels envisioned respectively five different forms of socialist
revolution. This article proposes a new interpretation of the views expressed in Marx's
letter to V. I. Sassulitsch in early 1881. Ever since the beginning the 20th cen-
tury, many undeveloped countries had been drawn into the Whirlpools of world eco-
nomy and revolutionary movements, at the cost of their great agonies. Lenin demon-
strated by new evidences that the Achille's heel of the capitalist world lay in those
remote, undeveloped countries where the imperialist forces could hardly reach. From
that point of view of international competition, therefore, Russia must take the road
to socialism.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)