H·保罗·格赖斯(H·Paul Grice)是美国加利福尼亚大学哲学教授。他的非自然意义理论开辟了语义分析的一个新天地,对语用学这门语言科学的建立起了很大的推动作用。为了使大家更进一步了解这一理论。
The present paper discusses H. Paul Grice's theory of nonnatural meaning, centering on its most important concept-communicative intention. His theory, the author points out, is essen-tially a theory of communication, and, as such, it is closely connected with his theory of conver-sational implicature and theory of speech act. This paper also touches on the role of linguis-tic convention in communicative processes as compared with that of intention. Lastly, the authorbriefly discusses the possible implications of this theory, stressing that the concept of intentiondeserves due emphasis in our endeavour to develop communicative competence in our students.
Modern Foreign Languages