

Western Europe: Speeding Up Its Integration process
摘要 一今年以来,西欧一体化进程出现了显著加快的趋势,取得了以下重大进展: (一) 欧洲统一大市场的建设已开始进入第二阶段。今年2月,欧共体执委会向符国发出了加速建设步伐的呼吁,并宣布从今年起统一大市场的工作进入第二阶段。这是因为第一阶段的工作颇有进展。至去年底,在建立统一大市场《白皮书》规定的279项指令中,已有60%获得欧共体理事会的通过和欧洲议会的批准,基本上完成了欧共体一级的立法程序。这60%的指令涉及内容广泛,有利于拆除内部贸易市场障碍和实现商品、劳务、资金、人员“四大自由流动”。这些指令还包括加强对公司。 The speeding up of the West European integration process is manifested by the following facts: 60% of the directives to build a single unified European market were passed, thus bringing in a second stage in the whole process; the first phase to establish a European monetary union has started; the issue to set up a European political union has been placed on the agenda; the negotiations on founding a European economic zone is now in progress and an agreement is expected to be reached in the near future. The principal considerations of accelerating the West European integration process are as follows: to solve difficulties still existent in building the unified European market with urgency; to deal with and speed up East European evolution; to strengthen its internal ties so as to keep the unified Germany within the Western alliance; to prepare for the future expansion of the European Community; to enhance the European strength for safeguarding its security; to raise its power in competing with the United States and Japan. The acceleration of Western Europe's integration process will have following effects: pushing the economy and trade to develop further inside Europe; producing advantages as well as disadvantages to the development of the world economy and trade; and increasing the European Community's influences on the world political affairs. Since the beginning of this year, along with further changes of the European situation, the West European integration process has witnessed a quickening trend.
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第3期17-22,63,共7页
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