旅游饭店业是季节性和非物质性极强的一项服务行业。旅游饭店为了调整市场对自身的影响,保证正常经营,通常采取灵活的浮动价格策略。 旅游业的特殊性决定旅游饭店采用浮动价格 旅游饭店的服务是非物质性的生产。它的生产和消费是同时进行的。没有游客对饭店服务正在进行着的享受和摄取,游客对饭店服务的需求就只能是一个愿望,而不可能是消费;与此同时,饭店对游客能够提供的服务只能处在准备阶段而不能成为生产。因此。
The prices of tourist hotels are characterized by a seasonal andnon-material nature. The marketing tactics essentially consist of twoaspects the improvement of the products to promote the sails, and thedifferentiation of the prices to attract the tourists. Practical exper-ience has shown that the majority of consumers are sensitive to theprice variation rather than to the improvement of the products;and therefore the modification of prices made according to the changesof seasons and markets has become one of the fundamental managementmeans of tourist hotels. The right tactics of price must put into consideration the time pr-inciple of tourism, market environment, structure of tourists, sailschannels and cost of production. It should be timely to set up theprices with variation structure that varies according to different se-asons and variegated strata of tourists. Different prices for different seasons, times, sails amounts, anditems are the main forms of price variations of tourist hotels at pre-sent. Besides, there are differentiated prices for different regionsand ways of payment as well as favoured prices for permanent staysand special prices for club members and government delegations. The following points must be taken into consideration in formulat-ing the price tactics of various hotels: 1. The prices must be subjectto the control and coordination by the local government; 2. theprices should be in conformity with the star grade of the hotel; 3.the floating span should not be too large and the changes should notbe too freruent; 44 the price variation should not become price cutdo-wn in the local competition for the tourist markets; 5. the adoptionof price variation should not mean the deterioration of service nor thecutdown of service items
Tourism Tribune